Bueno... another good week here in ecuador! on monday we were able to have a neat noche de hogar with conversos recientes about family history and the importance of helping our ancestors.
On Wednesday we had a service project and helped a family that lives in duran with their house that recently burnt down. we arrived and their WHOLE house had burnt down. it was crazy!! the cute family was so sad, but happy to recieve some help. we helped them clean out the garbage that was left, and help them level out the ground where the house had fallen. wow. i was reminded of how fast our wordly materials can be destroyed. that is why we are always told in the scriptures and by the profetas to gain spiritual treasures- testimonies, and spiritual experiences, because these are the things that we can take wiht us ! :)
also we met with the familia nuñez.... they are so awesome!! they are always giving us food to eat and are so sweet to us!! this family has had to experience A LOT! when i hear their story i always marvel at their dilligence, faith, and strenghth. they have trusted in God, especially when they feel like there is nothing to hold onto. what a great family!! :)
As always we are always looking for ways to find new people to teach! so one night this past week we passed for an investigators house to see if we could teach them. they couldnt in that moment, so we asked them if they knew anyone that need the Gospel in their lives. the investigator said we could try their neighbors in front of the house. hermana alvarez and i looked at the house in front of us and were thinking... "should we contact her right now or wait...?" the natutral man inside of us didnt want to contact the house. but we knew we should contact them. not knowing what we were going to say, we rang the doorbell and when the woman answered the door we said "hola! como esta?" and she said "come on in!!" we were shocked!! we thought we would get rejected as usual... but she invited us right in and we had a nice lesson with her!! she was very nice and invited us back! :) i couldnt believe it. then i rememered. this is the work of Jesus Christ! if He wants us to visit someone, then we will visit them!! There is nothing that i should fear, because with Him, all things are possible.
yesterday we had a fireside that us missionaries put on for the ward entitled "A Night of Families." we had a couple of speakers talk about the importance of the family and a few musical numbers about the family! and it turned out well! we are hoping to do more of these to find new investigatores and help the ward be more involved with missionary work! :) and believe it or not... i played the piano for all of the musical numbers!! :) ahh!!
today is a holiday in Guayaquil:) and so today we went to a Historical Park and got to see a few of the cool animals and plants that are here!! :) super fun! :)
I am so grateful for this Gospel and for families. i know that families are a central part to this plan. they are here to help us, guide us, and teach us. i am grateful for my family and the great examples they are to me. I know that when Christ is center in a home, everything will be more happy and more peaceful in the home. things seem to work out when He is central en todo! :)
tengan una buena semana!! les amo mucho!!
con amor,
Hermana Warburton
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