Hola!! :) Buenas tardes!!
Wow! these week seem to fly by! i know i say this every week.. but its true!! :) wow!!
This week....
On monday we had a noche de hogar with 4 families, 1 of them being investigator family-Mercedes. it was great! we had a good time, and hermana dominguez and i made no bake cookies which were a hit! haha!
on tuesday we taught the training we received from president riggins last week to our zone (us and the zone leaders). it went well!! then we had our first choir practice as a zone... for Navidad we are singing in the Rio Centros (malls) here and this thursday is when we perform. so we have practiced a couple times this past week.. and it has gone pretty well! im directing it, and for the most part they all pay attention and sing!! we have a great zone!
that day i also had an intercambio with the hermana asistentes! i got to go to babahoyo.. another pueblito about 1.5 hours from here with the asistente hermana shivley. it went well! i enjoyed learning from her. she is a great missionary, and it was fun to meet and teach new people there. one family we visited had me sing for them, and as we were walking, another family invited us to dinner with them. it was a good day! i especially had a neat moment, when i got to share the First Vision, when we were teaching lesson 1. its my favorite part of the lesson, because the Spirit is always there. i especially felt the Spirit testify to me that i know that the First Vision really did happen, and that Jose Smith is a profeta. it was so neat.
on wednesday we were able to have our service project, which many people were able to enjoy and participate in. it was so sweet, and all the people were so happy. i loved seeing the joy on the faces of the people and families that came, and watching their faces just light up! i am so grateful for the people that helped and were a part of this!
Thursday we were able to visit our investigator Mercedes. she is a single mom, and has gone through a lot in her life. She is such a great woman! This week we taught her about the Plan of Salvation, and wow. we had such an amazing lesson. as we talked to her, and shared our testimonies about the Atonement, the Spirit was so strong! there was no doubt that we all felt the Spirit. in that moment i felt such a love for her, the love that i know Heavenly Father has for her, and it the Spirit was so strong. we came out of that lesson so happy, and so uplifted, and i was just reassured of the love that Heavenly Father has for each of His children, and the great importance of the Atonement. Wow. that was a great day! :)
Sunday we went to church and were just waiting and waiting for Mercedes to arrive.... and she didnt... we started Sacrament meeting.. and she still hadnt gotten there. i was so sad!! i had prayed so hard and was hoping so much that she would come! .. but then she came!! she came about half hour late, but she came!!!!!! i dont know if ive ever been happier in Sacrament Meeting!!! we were both sooooo happy!!!! she came to church for the first time with her 2 kids! she is so great! :)
This past week has been good. i am so grateful for the spiritual experiences i get to have each day and each week. its amazing how much God loves us, and always wants us to have these experiences. sometimes we dont even realize all the great things we get to experience! but i know that He loves us, and that love is so great that He sent His Son for us, so that we can return to Him. He wants us to feel that love everyday, and we can, when we strive to know Him better. Juan 17:3. I know that God and Jesus Christ live and loves us!
have a great week!!
con amor,
Hermana Warburton

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