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Sister Megan Warburton
Ecuador Guayaquil North Mission
Casilla de Correo 09-04-566

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Sister Megan Warburton
Ecuador Guayaquil North Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City UT 84130-0150
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Package Address

Hermana Megan Warburton
Mision Ecuador Guayaquil Norte
Casilla de Correo 09-04-160
Guayaquil, Guaras


Monday, September 12, 2016


Hola!! Cómo están??? Espero que todos estén bien!

Bueno... esta semana.... this week was a good one! we had verification of 12 weeks with hermana castillo  and presidente riggins... because hermana castillo has 6 weeks in the mission!!! wow!! the time has flown by! but we learned a LOT in the training. it was super cool! president always helps us find new ways that we can teach ,and should teach, and how we can be better missionaries. but not only that, he helps us be better people, with better habits and attributes like Christ! this made us excited to go out and share the Gospel with everyone!!

This week we taught our investigator carlos the importance of reading the scriptures, praying, and going to church. the 3 pillars in our lives that help us become stronger in the gospel and strengthen our testimony. yesterday we were able to have a lesson with him and his cousin (who is a member) and we taught him the importance of prophets. we also learned the he will be traveling to quito for a few weeks, and that we wont be able to teach him for a few weeks... as we heard that i was prompted that i needed to share my testimony about the Church. i shared with him how this Gospel has really made me a happy person, and that i know that the Church is true. As he closed the lesson with a prayer, a prayer with  real intent, the Spirit flooded the room, and it was so neat to see that he felt the Spirit in this moment. As we left, i was reminded of the great importance of sharing testimonies. it is something that can be short or long, but something that always invites the Spirit, always.

Also we visited a less active family this week, they came to church the past week, and were touched by a testimony that their little grandson shared in testimony meeting. That testimony helped them realize that they needed to go to church, and be an example for their family. we realized that as we become like little children "meek, humble, submissive," we can truly become more Christ-like and feel His influence more in our lives.

Yesterday hermana stephenson (the other hermana that is in our ward) and i played the piano and violin before Sacrament Meeting... i played the piano and she the violin! it went really well, and i enjoyed playing music to help set a reverent tone before the meeting!! how i love music!!! :)

this week i reflected on the great importance of the Spirit in conversion. the Spirit is soooo important, because without the Spirit, we cannot teach, and the people cannot become converted. We can feel the Spirit when we pray, and when we ask with true intentions to know the truth. i know that God knows and loves each and everyone of us. He always wants to guide us and help us know the truth, and when we ask Him in prayer, He will give it to us!

have a great week!!!!

con amor,
Hermana Warburton

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